Gosaipur, Mohav, Azamgarh Road, Varanasi



Progressive academic students of all classes, communities, religions and castes of rural and urban population Provide opportunities and develop their inherent qualities and abilities.

Considering global competitiveness, using modern resources, methods, educational innovations and techniques Keeping the students in the new knowledge and skill of the field.

Students like self-sufficiency, self-reliance, optimistic attitude, responsibility, entrepreneurship and discipline Be aware of the importance of which the Bay is present and the problems and problems arising out of the future Can compete with match proficiency.

To awaken the sense of pride in Indian culture, civilization and nationalism among the students and its protection and Enrichment and inspiration for promotion.

Develop the balance of learners' physical, mental, moral and spiritual powers and make them the best Motivate for behavior.

Good habits, interests and intentions for the development of human qualities, creativity and creativity among the students To create

Encourage the students to be aware of ethics and life values ​​for the progress of the nation.

The qualities of scientific temper, practical wisdom, independent thinking and social skills in students Developing the Bay to play an active role in eliminating social problems, curiosities and superstition Able to Inspire students to become integrity, honest, virtuous and socially useful.

Encourage students to social, economic and political rights and duties by education. To develop qualities such as sensitivity, collaboration, tolerance and ability to adjust students.

Provide inspiration for students to serve nation and society.